Junction Young Company (JYC)

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Junction Young Company (JYC) is an inclusive programme for young people aged 14 – 21 who are interested in live performance. You will be supported by professional artists and theatre companies to develop a range of performance and theatrical skills.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • it’s a safe and playful space to express yourself, connect with others and be heard;
  • it’s a chance to meet other like-minded people and make new friends;
  • you will learn new skills which can increase your confidence.

“Doing the show has been amazing and being able to perform something like that with some very talented people has been a lot of fun.”

“I’ve always felt safe and happy to express myself, everyone is so accepting and kind and it’s really great to be in a safe space like this.”

What to expect

Junction Young Company (JYC) is an inclusive programme for young people aged 14 – 21 who are interested in live performance. There is no audition process and no need for any previous theatrical experience. JYC participants are supported by professional artists and theatre companies to develop a range of theatrical skills.

As a collective, JYC make decisions on content, creative direction and public performances. Each year the ensemble creates an original, devised performance which is showcased at Cambridge Junction.

Previously, JYC have collaborated with many different professional theatre companies, including Forced Entertainment, Gecko Theatre, Made in China, Dancing Brick, Breach Theatre and Bar Groisman.

More Information

JYC meet 6-8pm on Monday evenings from September to April. Places need to be booked in advance for the whole term. Email [email protected]. If the course is currently full you will be added to the waiting list.

Typically, a programme of JYC will consist of:

Term One (Sep – Nov) JYC will work with a professional artist/theatre company to connect as an ensemble and develop key skills and techniques in movement, voice, character creation, devising, cross-art form performance and more.

Term Two (Jan – April) JYC will work with a professional artist/theatre company to create an original devised production to be performed to a public audience on the J2 stage in April. In the lead-up to the performances, there will be some intensive rehearsals during school holidays, in Term Two.


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Free taster sessions are available.

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There is a termly cost, however bursaries are available. Contact Cambridge Junction for more details.

How to contact

Where to go

Cambridge Junction
Clifton Way

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