MAN v FAT Football

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MAN v FAT Football in Cambridge is a football club for men with a BMI of 27.50 or above. The club meet weekly for matches and weigh ins. Men of all ages and levels of fitness are welcome - you will join a supportive community of men all aiming to lose weight and get healthier.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • It is a group activity and a great way to meet new people;
  • There is a proven link between exercise and improved quality of life;
  • It can help you to lose weight which has many health benefits including reducing your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

“I find it hard doing it [weight loss] by myself, but doing it as a team has motivated me…it’s been a big help for me”

HAY Pledge badge

What to expect

MAN v FAT Football meet at Abbey Leisure in Cambridge on Monday evenings. Each session starts with a private weigh in where you will be able to chat individually with the coach about how your week has gone. Then you play small-sided league games with qualified referees. Each team plays one game per week in a six team league. Each game lasts for 28 minutes.

You don’t need to be good at football to join the sessions. Everyone is welcome, including those who have never kicked a ball before or those who haven’t played since school. Likewise, you don’t need to be fit to join in – if you haven’t exercised in a long time you can just take things at your own pace. If you are not able to play for the entire duration of a game at first, then other players can sub in. You can work your way up to playing for longer as time goes on.

More information

To join MAN v FAT Football you pay a monthly membership which includes access to the weekly club sessions, and also access to online resources, inspiration and support. When it’s time to celebrate your weight loss success, the club use professionally made certificates, medals and trophies. Weight loss also counts towards your team’s weekly score in the league table.

If you would like to sign up as a member visit the MAN v FAT website. Your BMI needs to be over 27.50 to be eligible to join the club. There is a BMI calculator on the website to help you to check whether you qualify.

If you would like to come and see a club before you join, email [email protected] to request this.

Badge showing a pound sign

There is a one-off fee to register with a club, and you will then pay a monthly membership fee. Visit the website for details.

How to contact

Where to go

Abbey Leisure Complex
Whitehill Road
Cambridge CB5 8NT

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