Strength and Balance – Forever Active

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Aimed at improving confidence and mobility whilst standing and moving, Strength & Balance classes are for people who have had a fall or at risk of falling. If you want to feel steadier on your feet, then why not go along?

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • meeting other people facing similar challenges helps you feel less alone;
  • gentle movement will help you re-connect with your body;
  • led by trained instructors, your confidence and mobility will gradually improve.

“I believe the Strength and Balance classes are helping me in the autumn of my life to remain strong and help my balance. The classes are also helping my wife, Jennifer. Through her world of dementia she benefits from the classes as the group are so welcoming and friendly.” Archie & Jennifer

What to expect?

Forever Active deliver exercise classes for over 50s throughout South Cambs, East Cambs and Cambridge City. To find out about class times and prices, visit the Forever Active website.

Strength & Balance classes are a mixture of seated and standing exercises that are aimed at improving confidence, balance and mobility if you’ve had a fall or are at risk of falling (more information about Falls Prevention here). Every exercise can be modified to suit all abilities.

More info:

If it’s your first time attending, please contact Forever Active beforehand via email or by telephone to confirm class details. You’ll be asked to complete a pre-exercise health questionnaire prior to your first session.

Strength & Balance classes last for an hour. Wear something comfortable and suitable footwear such as trainers. Bring water so you can stay hydrated and don’t eat anything at least one hour before exercise. If you have asthma or angina, bring your inhaler/spray.

Venues have free parking as well as accessible toilets.

Booking ahead is essential – use this link or call Hannah on the number provided.

Badge reading 'Free'

Your first session is free – details of how to book on this link.

After the free taster class all classes cost £6 which can be paid when you book online.

How to contact

Where to go

Arbury Community Centre

Barnwell Baptist Church
Howard Road

St Andrew's Hall
Cherry Hinton

Chesterton Methodist Church
Green End Road

Newnham Croft Social and Sports Club
Hardwick Street

Chesterton Pavilion Community Room
off Church Street
Cambridge CB4 1ED

Meadows Community Centre
Arbury Road

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