Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum are a charity working in the field of Race Equality. They work with Black and minority ethnic individuals and groups, bringing expertise in organisational development, anti-discrimination work and asylum and refugee support.
How to contact
Where to go
Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum
Arbury Court
16-18 Arbury Road
Cambridge CB4 2JQ
What to expect
The Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum (CECF) is a user led organisation with over 35 member groups representing Black and minority ethnic communities in Cambridge.
Their mission is to bring together individuals and organisations of different cultural and racial identities as a collective body to work towards:
- The elimination of racial discrimination
- The promotion of equality of opportunity
- Good relations between persons of different racial groups in a spirit of conciliation and co-operation
More information
An overview of the main services provided by CECF is given below. For more detailed information visit their website, call 01223 655 241 or email [email protected] . You can also visit the CECF LinkedIn page.
Development Services
CECF provide a capacity building service for Black and Minority Ethnic community groups, offering training, advice and support to help them set up, develop and grow.
Refugee Services
CECF provide advice and practical help to asylum seekers and refugees in Cambridge, including accessing asylum support, immigration advice, specialist counselling and ESOL support.
Ukrainian Support Project
CEFC offers advice and support to Ukrainians in Cambridgeshire. They can help with housing issues, finding a job, ESOL classes, education, access to public services and benefits. Contact Alla (in English, Ukrainian or Russian) by email: [email protected].
Race Equality Services
CECF provide advice, information and advocacy on welfare issues. This includes access to culturally appropriate emergency food, and helping with urgent fuel needs. They also run workshops for the community and deliver training packages for the charity and statutory sector on topics related to race equality.
Cambridgeshire Human Rights and Equality Support Service (CHESS)
This service is part of CECF. It offers free advice, support and advocacy to individuals and families who have experienced harassment, victimisation or infringements of their Human Rights.
CECF provide their advice and support services to individuals and community groups free of charge.
CECF develops and delivers training packages for the charity and statutory sector on topics such as race and cultural awareness, diversity and inclusion, and unconscious bias. Contact them to discuss your training needs.
How to contact
Where to go
Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum
Arbury Court
16-18 Arbury Road
Cambridge CB4 2JQ