It is estimated that 1 in 6 men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. As with female victims, the abuse may come from an intimate partner or ex-partner, or from an immediate family member/relative. There is local and national support and advice available.
How to contact
Where to go
UK (available throughout)
If you would like to know more about what domestic abuse is, click here.
Support if domestic abuse is happening to you:
Domestic Abuse Partnership has IDVAs (Independent Domestic Violence Advisors) who work with victims of domestic abuse to:
- identify and assess risks
- understand and access options
- devise bespoke safety plans
- navigate criminal and civil justice processes
If you are felt to be at high risk of harm from domestic abuse, a professional such as a Social Worker or Police can refer your case to the IDVA Service. An IDVA provides one-to-one support to help keep you, and any children you have, safe. Click here to go to their website.
This service is only accessible via a referral from a professional.
The Domestic Abuse Support Service (DASS) works to understand the needs and wishes of the individual and develop appropriate support and safety plans, including issues around home security where appropriate, accessing benefits and signposting or referral to specialist services.
You can self-refer to DASS by contacting them by telephone. Professionals can also make referrals via the IMPAKT website or telephone.
Phone 03003 731073 or click here to go to their website.
The Victim and Witness Hub is a free confidential service which provides emotional and practical support to victims or witnesses to a crime in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, to help them cope and recover from the impact of crime.
It offers support to victims from the time of the offence, through any subsequent police investigation or court proceedings and beyond, according to the needs of the individual.
Call the Victim & Witness Hub: 0800 781 6818 or Email: or click here to go to their website.
Respect’s Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them. They offer advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help keep them and their children safe.
Call free on 08088 010 327 Monday – Friday 9am - 8pm. Or click here to go to their website.
The National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline is for LGBT+ people who are experiencing domestic abuse or have in the past. They are also here for people supporting a survivor of domestic abuse: friends, families and those working with a survivor.
Call 08009 995 428 Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm
Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 8:00pm
Webchat is available at varying times. They are open 5 days a week and closed at weekends and on bank holidays. They will call you back if you can’t get through to them the first time. Click here to go to their website.
For victims of sexual assault:
Independent Sexual Violence Advocate (ISVA) service offers practical and emotional support to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted, recently or in the past. They can help you to access other available support services to address both short- and long-term needs. They can support you through the criminal justice system, providing information on what happens when you report to the police. You do not have to report to the police to get support from an ISVA.
Call 01733 225 937 or refer yourself via their website by clicking here.
Support if you’re being abusive to others:
Respect Phoneline is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them. They support men and women who are using abuse, in same-sex or heterosexual relationships.
Their team of friendly advisors will listen to you without judgment and offer you honest advice to help you stop being violent. They also offer advice to concerned friends and family members, as well as frontline workers who work with perpetrators.
Call 08088 024 040 Monday – Friday 9am - 8pm. See their website for times of webchat. Click here to go to their website.
Free from landlines and mobile phones within the UK. Your call will not appear on itemised bills. You can also call free from BT pay phones.
Most service and helplines are free of charge.
See the organisations website for mobile charges for their helplines.
How to contact
Where to go
UK (available throughout)