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Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

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Narcotics Anonymous is a community of people who support each other to achieve and maintain a drug free life. The only requirement for participation in NA is a desire to stop using drugs. There are no membership fees, and each group is self supporting.

Introduction to NA

The primary service provided by Narcotics Anonymous is the local meetings (held weekly). Each group is autonomous, organising itself according to a series of 12 principles common to the entire organisation. Meetings, which take place in rooms rented from public, religious or other organisations, may be ‘open to all’, meaning anyone can attend or ‘open to addicts only’, meaning only for people who want to address their own drug problems. Meetings are facilitated by NA members. Other members may take part by talking in turn about their experiences of addiction and the recovery, strength and hope they’ve discovered through NA.

Membership is open to anyone with a drug problem seeking help, regardless of what drug or combination of drugs have been used, and irrespective of age, sex, religion, race, creed or class.

There is no membership fee.

Some meetings request a donation in order to cover cost of room hire and refreshments.

NA is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. NA is made up of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay sober. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only ONE requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. NA suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break.

The basic premise of anonymity allows addicts to attend meetings without fear of legal or social repercussions.  This is an important consideration for an addict thinking about going to his first meeting.  Anonymity also supports an atmosphere of equality in meetings.  It helps insure that no individual’s personality or circumstance will be considered more important than the message of recovery shared in NA.

How to contact

Social media

Where to go

Bermuda Road Community Room Histon Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 3LE

The EDGE Café
351 Mill Road
Cambridgeshire CB1 3DF

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