The SEND Information Hub is a resource for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). It can also be used by parents and families to find out what support and services are available locally and how to access them.
Cambridgeshire County Council’s SEND Information Hub provides information about the support that is available locally for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). All local authorities must provide this information, know as the ‘Local Offer’.
The SEND Information Hub has information about providers of the following services:
- Special educational provision
- Health services
- Social care services
- Other educational provision
- Preparing for adulthood, including housing and employment
- Leisure and social opportunities
There is a page aimed at children and young people as well as a page for parents.
The information and advice on the website is free, as are a lot of the services and support listed.
Some of the support and activities listed may have a cost. Please contact providers directly for more information.
The SEND Information Hub is the Local Offer for Cambridgeshire. This video gives information about what the Local Offer is: