Technology Enabled Care Services

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The Technology Enabled Care Services team at Cambridgeshire County Council can loan assistive technology to support the independence and safety of people living in Cambridgeshire. They also provide guidance, training and advice to individuals, carers and professionals.

What to expect

The Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) team can help you to consider how technology could help support your life or that of a loved one. There are many types of equipment available that can help people to stay independent, and increase their confidence both inside and outside the home. The team are able to loan a range of equipment such as medication reminders, falls detectors, alarms and sensors.

For more information on the support that the TECS team can provide, contact 01480 378160 or [email protected]. The team can complete an assessment of your needs, provide advice and loan equipment free of charge. Their assessment is based on need, there is no financial assessment or age criteria.

More information

Physical equipment such as a wheelchair or rails around the home can also support people to remain independent. Safe and Well Cambridgeshire provides information and advice on a range of equipment and devices. There is an online questionnaire to identify things that might help you. You can also telephone 01480 415719 to talk to an occupational therapist.

Badge reading 'Free'

The TECS team provide information and advice free of charge. If someone has been assessed to need equipment, this will be loaned free of charge.

Badge showing a pound sign

Some equipment not provided by the team may be suggested for private purchase.

How to contact

Where to go

Available across Cambridge

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