Dementia Choir at Cambridge Manor Care Home

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Cambridge Manor Care Home host a fun, monthly choir for anyone living with dementia and their carers, companions and relatives. Sessions are free and no experience is needed.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • singing with others feels great and can give you a wellbeing boost;
  • it’s a great activity for carers and their loved ones to enjoy together;
  • meeting other people facing similar challenges can provide support and reassurance.

What to expect

The choir is open to residents of Cambridge Manor Care Home and also anyone from the wider community who is living with dementia, and their carers, companions and relatives.

The choir meet on the first Thursday of every month from 6 – 7pm. The sessions are relaxed, friendly and supportive, led by an experienced choir leader. The group sing a mixture of songs of different styles. Lyrics sheets are provided. You can join in with the singing as much or as little as you like. The emphasis is on fun, connection and inclusivity.

Before you join the group, it is recommended that you call the team on 01223 363904 to let them know to expect you.

There is a video below showing the entrance to Cambridge Manor Care Home. When you arrive ring the doorbell and the member of staff at on the reception desk will welcome you and direct you to the right room. You’ll be greeted with a hot drink and receive a warm introduction to the group.

More information

The venue is fully wheelchair accessible with disabled toilets.

There is limited parking available on site – visitors are welcome to use the parking bays if they are free. Alternatively there is a paid car park at the Boathouse pub on Chesterton Road which is a short walk away, and some street parking on Chesterton Road. There is a bus stop very near to Cambridge Manor.

To find information about other local activities for people living with memory loss visit this page.

Badge reading 'Free'

The group is free to attend

How to contact

Where to go

Cambridge Manor Care Home
33 Milton Rd
Cambridge CB4 1UZ

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