Arts and Minds

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Arts and Minds uses the arts to support the positive wellbeing of individuals and communities. They run a range of arts-based programmes and activities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, no previous skills needed.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • creative engagement can improve confidence and self-esteem
  • creative engagement promotes social connectedness
  • it provides opportunities for you to experiment with different materials and learn new skills

“It was unexpected how much the sessions made a positive impact on my wellbeing.”

“Learning that I have a creative side and having this time for me.”

What to expect?

Arts and Minds offer several programmes in Cambridge:

  • face-to-face Arts on Prescription programmes that run for 12 weeks, facilitated by a skilled artist and an experienced counsellor. Carers may attend and join in, should they wish. Arts materials are provided;
  • a weekly Pottery Group at St Martin’s Church for participants diagnosed with dementia or other neurological challenges, and their partners and carers;
  • a bi-monthly Creative Café at the Junction, an informal, friendly drop-in café open to people of all ages. They particularly welcome those who may be experiencing anxiety, depression or loneliness to feel more connected with their community;
  • a monthly Art Adventure programme, where participants explore different venues in Cambridge and use them as inspiration to create art together. It is not a facilitated workshop, but a chance to draw, sketch, relax and take in your surroundings with a group of likeminded people.

More information

Arts and Minds aspire to a creative society where people have the confidence and self-esteem to lead fulfilling lives. They work across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Arts and Minds ask for contributions from participants on all of their programmes.

However, they do not wish finance to present a barrier to you  participating. Therefore, they are always happy to discuss / waive contributions where appropriate.

For more information, please get in touch with them!

How to contact

Where to go

Cambridge Junction
Clifton Way

St Martin's Church
127 Suez Road
Cambridge CB1 3QD

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