Men’s Wellbeing Activities

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There are many local groups and activities that can help boost your wellbeing through connecting with others, getting physically active and/or learning new skills. This page gives examples of groups and activities which are aimed at men, or may particularly appeal to men.

MAN v FAT Football 

MAN v FAT Football is a football club for men with a BMI of 27.50 or above. The club meet weekly at Abbey Leisure for matches and weigh ins. Men of all ages and levels of fitness are welcome. Find out more here.

T-Men Fitness

T-Men Fitness run a weekly low-impact fitness session for men in Cambridge who would like to regain vitality, mobility and strength. It is a bodyweight class suitable for men of any age, shape and level of fitness. Find out more here.

Andy’s Man Club Cambridge

Andy’s Man Club is a group that aims to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation. The Cambridge group meet on Monday evenings at Coleridge Community College. Find out more here.

Cambridge United Foundation – Walking Football

Walking football is a growing sport suitable for people of any level of fitness or experience. Cambridge United Foundation run weekly sessions for people aged 50 and over. The sessions are for men and women. Find out more here.

Cambridge United Foundation – other activities

Cambridge United Foundation run a wide variety of activities for all ages. They run football sessions for different groups including people with disabilities, and people who are homeless or vulnerably housed. They also run wellbeing activities including a wellbeing walk, community café, lunches for people aged 50+ and a dementia café. Find out more here.

How to contact

Where to go

Various locations in Cambridge

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